quality standards, continuous quality management, qms, quality, six sigma

Quality standards are designed to ensure companies meet the minimum requirements to become an integral part of almost every industry from food to automotive to healthcare. It’s clear that those standards are here indefinitely.

Some organizations struggle with the concepts of quality standards or they view it as a complex system. But with a little bit of information, help and a clear understanding of why quality standards can benefit them, organizations can learn to embrace quality standards rather than buck against them.

The Intent of Quality Standards

Quality isn’t just about profits and loss or beating out a competitor. It’s about safety, delivering on a promise and meeting the very basics of customer expectations. But, by meeting quality standards, companies often reap better profits and reduce losses. Those that exceed quality standards stand out above their competitors and further their potential for profit and consumer loyalty. Therein rests the benefit of quality standards.

Quality Standards Offer a Formula for Success

Quality can be an obscure concept at first because what one might see as quality someone else may not. Hence, the need and purpose of quality standards is crucial. ISO standards, such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 27001, serve as a framework for businesses. Clearly defined standards and requirements make it easier for companies to meet what their consumers consider “quality” and they improve the overall vision of what the company should work toward.

But what good are quality standards if your company isn’t clear on how they apply to your specific product or service? Quality standards are only meant to serve as a framework. There are still walls to be built, fixtures to be mounted, and a floor to be laid. This is where quality management systems come into play.

Still struggling with quality standards? Partner with QAD and embrace quality standards.

The Role of Quality Management Systems

Not to be confused with quality standards, a quality management system (QMS) is a tool used by companies wishing to effectively meet (and possibly even exceed) required quality standards. Designed to prevent losses and improve compliance, QMS offers a method by which companies measure and monitor products, services, processes, procedures, production, and employees to ensure they are meeting what’s expected.

The most commonly used QMS compliance practices include:

  • Total Quality Management (TQM)
  • Continuous Quality Management (CQI)
  • Six Sigma

Before selecting a QMS, the company needs to know and understand its vision. What is important to the company brand? What unique quality or feature will help the organization stand out from its competitors? What will your company pride itself in? These questions, along with others, can help your company choose the right QMS.

Want to learn more about quality management systems and how to successfully implement them? Looking for a way to effectively manage the QMS for your company? Learn more about how a QMS can help your company meet quality standards. Contact QAD today.


  1. I’m glad you mentioned companies use technological tools to meet their quality standards. I believe that it’s important for any kind of business to be in control of their quality. Otherwise, they’ll lose their clients and their reputation. I think you did a great job explaining the key role of quality management systems for industries.

  2. Hey Brian, good article. Question? Do you know of any articles or papers that detail when companies impose too excessive quality requirements and the ramifications from it? Perhaps these companies go out of business or something. Any insight would be great. thanks in advance for your help.

    • Hi Finley- are you coming from the perspective of a) receiving excessive quality requirements from a customer? b) excess quality requirements internally imposed? or c) providing excessive quality requirements on your suppliers? – Brian

  3. It really interests me to read such articles, thanks for sharing. Blogs like yours and info really helps me learn more day by day.

    • Hi Lesantha-
      These are all well documented quality frameworks that you should be able to learn about on the web (google, youtube, etc). If you cannot fine good resources, please reply and I can likely find something. Enjoy